


We believe that the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy will require a significant investment in energy storage and we have been looking for opportunities to invest in safe and abundant energy storage solutions. Read more

Collision Course

We are in the middle of two significant technological shifts happening simultaneously and also intertwined. AI and web3 may have different starting points and timelines but they are both fundamental advances in how computers can transform what we are able [...]  Read more

Deep reals

It’s never been more difficult to tell whether what we see online is real or fake. AI bots are being paid to leave fake reddit comments, Drake resurrected Tupac in a rap verse, and Morgan Freeman is still not Morgan [...]  Read more


Last week, Farcaster announced their latest financing and USV announced its participation. As that blog post notes, USV has been thinking about and supporting social applications for two decades and we are incredibly excited to finally see real momentum around [...]  Read more