In Memory

Let’s take some time to remember our fallen service men and women today.

After all, that is what today is for.

#life lessons

Comments (Archived):

  1. JimHirshfield


  2. kidmercury

    we are at a point where most of these deaths are wholly unnecessary and serve corporate interests only. 9/11 was an inside job and recognition of that helps justify the move to de-militarize and prevent unnecessary deaths — both military and civilian, domestic and foreign.

  3. sigmaalgebra

    Yup.There are too many people out there who would like to see us dead, and, if our military were less strong, there would be more such people with some, a lot, or all of us dead. Why do they want us dead? They like power. We’ve got some power, and they want it.If we are strong, then we can win a lot of battles without firing a shot because we avoid the battles.For how to fight the battles we still do have to have, I want us to win right away with no loss of any of our lives and no damage to any of our country. In Gulf War I, General Schwarzkopf came, comparatively, close to this standard — terrific. He was correct: Although what he did was terrific, it will never be terrific to our families who lost loved ones.I started my career in applied math and computing for US national security; I hope that what I did kept some dirt bags from fighting with us and got or will get us fast, easy victory over the dirt bags that did or do fight with us.Trump just gave the Commencement address at Annapolis. At the end, he decided to stay and shake the hand, one by one, of each graduating Midshipman. My guess is that he was fully sincere. Why? Because as he was speaking, he had the US Navy potentially “in harm’s way” in the Sea of Japan and the South China Sea, has had them at least twice now in harm’s way in the eastern Mediterranean, and stands to have them in harm’s way in the Persian Gulf. And he has US SSBNs hidden doing random walks in all the oceans of the planet adding 24 x 365/366 credibility to our defenses.

  4. Mac

    And, remembering the Gold Star families.

    1. Pointsandfigures

      My friend Woody Williams does a lot for those families and will not let us forget.

      1. Mac

        Thank you for the link. A wonderful reminder of why they are called the Greatest Generation. No doubt a special person to have in your life. I have just such a person in mine. You might enjoy his story.…Mac

  5. awaldstein

    I will do so Fred.Every male adult in my parents generation fought in WWII and I was fortunate that they all came home, many not as they went of course.My older brothers generation was the Vietnam era and a different story–more conflicted, more faces I grew up with, not returning.

    1. Pointsandfigures

      My uncle was in Vietnam and ran the hook on the Mekong Delta in Naval Intelligence. My father in law was one of the first to the fight at Bloody Ridge in Korea. Neither talked about it.I would encourage anyone that has a WW2 vet in their family to buy em a brick: https://www.nationalww2muse… Make sure if you can, go to New Orleans and visit the museum. It’s an amazing place and experience. If your loved one is alive, the memories will come back. If they aren’t, you will see and hear what they went through.

      1. awaldstein

        I’ll look.My father and his group of ex vets never spoke about the war. Ever.Makes me wonder if this is a memorial that matters to him.He like everyone in that generation simply did what was right, complained not at all, and moved on.I have a picture of my mother and father in Hondo, Texas the night before he shipped out standing in front of their trailer with the dog. They didn’t know that my mom was pregnant with my older brother. He was almost three before my dad came home and met him.

        1. Pointsandfigures

          Check out the oral histories online at the museum website. Whether you dad was in Asia, Italy, Africa or Europe, there is someone somewhere that has recorded an oral history about what they did

          1. awaldstein

            Will do.My dad spent his entire time in the Philippines.My Uncle faired not as well and was in active combat and never really got over it.

          2. Pointsandfigures

            Fortunately post Bataan. Sheesh. Met a few guys that survived that.

          3. awaldstein

            Cool that you are involved with this. Thanks for the info.

  6. Richard

    100 years ago (I believe almost to the day), Americans entered WWI.

    1. sigmaalgebra

      Pretty good.The video is clever video programming but IMHO a poor presentation of the information, high on emotionalism, low on rationalism.A lot of his video cleverness is tough to read to unreadable due to fonts too small, resolution too low, and going too fast.Too often in his audio at the ends of sentences he drops his voice and becomes difficult to understand.I’d prefer just a PDF file where could actually READ ALL the content, have some references, etc.My ballpark number for deaths in WWII has been a range, 50 million to 100 million. His number is 70 million. Okay.Sorry, guys, I have long concluded, and still do, that a lot of WWII was caused by the 1929 US stock market bubble and crash and the refusal of the US to “print the money destroyed in the crash”, e.g., from the collapse of the multiplier effect of fractional reserve banking. So, the result was the Great Depression in the US, and that spread around the world, especially to European trading partners. Germany was already still in deep trouble from the WWI reparations and the associated massive inflation. So, Hitler promised to fix the economy. Basically he did, in IIRC, about four years. Good for Hitler and Germany. Then soon Hitler was an absolute dictator, nuts, went totally wack-o, invaded Poland, Norway, France, Russia, etc., pursued genocide on all the non-aryans, Slavs, Jews, Gypsies, and more, bombed London, declared war on the US, tried to take over Russia to about the Urals, was after the oil of Romania, the Caspian, and Arabia, etc.The US did the right things for the US economy starting on 12/8/1941, that is, the day after Japan started shooting at us. In 90 days flat we had at least one job for everyone who wanted to work and 2-3 jobs for lots of people. Lots of people took 2 jobs. We were OUT of the Great Depression in 90 days. IMHO, had we done something similar starting in November, 1929, we would have avoided both the Great Depression and WWII. Instead of building ships, tanks, and planes we could have built roads, bridges, dams (we did a few), schools, hospitals, libraries, museums, water resource projects, electric power distribution systems, harbors, canals, etc. Housing? Okay: Take a patch of land, put in all the public infrastructure, auction off the individual lots for residential or commercial, and let private developers go for it and sell to the public, with, right FHA loans.Uh, financial system bubble blowing is lead pipe, rock solid, heavy duty, world threatening, super heavy duty, brain dead, essentially suicidal, serious stuff. Someone needed to remind George W. Bush and Franklin Raines of that situation. Such bubble blowing can kill 70 million people. The next time maybe no one will be left alive. To heck with Saint Laureate Al Guru and the NYT and their irrational, hysterical, flim-flam, fraud scam of human caused “global warming”, oops, “climate change”. Instead, take very, Very seriously financial system bubble blowing. This is not nearly the first time I’ve made this point.Uh, slavery is also risky, can lead to a civil war. We had one of those, IIRC, killed 600,000 soldiers and maybe even more civilians. And now we have same song, second verse pushed by Pelosi, Schumer, McCain, Flake, Ryan, McConnell, the Koch brothers, Governor Moonbeam, a lot of the high tech leaders, etc. That stuff is worse than children playing with matches in a fireworks warehouse.Parts of Hungary, Germany, France, Sweden, and England are having violence and conflicts. It could happen here. E.g., the US has long standing, carefully considered, laws, policies, and procedures for immigration and naturalized citizenship. Lots of US slavers have arranged just to set aside those laws, etc.US citizens are being hurt from losing their jobs to immigrants and from having to pay more for social services for the immigrants. And most of our illegal drug problems are from illegal immigrants. And, per person, the immigrants are bringing MUCH higher rates of crime. Warning: In the US, Prohibition enormously empowered the Mafia. Illegal drugs have turned Mexico and much of South and Central America into narco-states. Such crime could happen here again.Getting us back to our legal system of immigration and away from slavery was one of the main reasons Trump got elected. Right, we need The Wall, merit based immigration, deportation of illegals, and E-verify.Currently the US is in a mostly non-violent civil war over slavery, again. We better stop the slavery peacefully and legally before we do it violently in the streets. We’re playing with ignoring the rule of law, and once violence starts without respect for the rule of law we are at risk of much more violence and … have no limits.So, history tells us about four mistakes we need to avoid — (1) financial system bubble blowing, (2) slavery, (3) dangers of illegal drugs, and (4) disrespect for the rule of law.

  7. jason wright

    “our” – we should remember all those who die in wars, and let us direct the fight against those who seek war to serve their own selfish interests.

  8. Avi Rosenbaum

    Yesterday, on a drizzly Sunday afternoon in Central CT, a neighbor informed me that a veteran was being buried in the cemetery down the block. About a dozen of us joined the family to show our respects. While initially dismayed that someone had surreptitiously filmed the ceremony, I think that the video is helpful in reminding us of the real meaning of Memorial Day:

    1. PhilipSugar

      This is a good and sad point. For me it became a face when this Fraternity Brother a full bird Colonel and on the board of Directors for Toys for Tots after serving during both Gulf Wars mind somehow was not in a right place. As you say it is a reminder to look and reach out to these soulshttp://www.oneillfuneralhom…

  9. mikenolan99

    In the last months of my dad’s battle with Alzheimers, it was amazing how the stories of Korea came flooding back to him – he spoke of so many friends and experiences he never shared before. Today is good day to remember. https://uploads.disquscdn.c

    1. Lawrence Brass

      The resemblance! He could be you at a younger age, save the uniform. 🙂

  10. Pete Griffiths

    My father was an engineer in ordinance production in the UK during WW2. My grandfather endured one of the more horrific battlefield of Ww1 – the Somme (Battle of Delville Wood). Apparently he came back a profoundly changed man with “shell shock” – what would now be called PTSD.It is a ghastly thought that we are presently, quite literally, losing more kids in school shootings than we are soldiers on the battlefield. And many survivors, like my grandfather, may never recover.